Press release
In last week’s Budget 2020, we welcomed the Chancellor’s wide-ranging measures to help UK businesses cope with the effects of Covid-19 in the form of the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme.
In last week’s Budget 2020, we welcomed the Chancellor’s wide-ranging measures to help UK businesses cope with the effects of Covid-19 in the form of the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme.
Following the rapid escalation of the pandemic, the Chancellor has just announced an extension of the financial support that the Government is offering to businesses and individuals. Of these new measures, the most applicable for SMEs include:
Of great concern to many business owners will be taking on loans with only partial guarantee cover at a time of great uncertainty. With only partial cover comes complexity as experienced with the Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme (EFG) when the lending institution is at risk, even partial risk, the process of accessing the funds can be challenging.
Understanding the risk profile of taking on a CBILS to support your business is essential. Our teams will be working hard to provide that advice and support in accessing the loans as more details are announced.
Press release
January 30, 2025
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