Connected Magazine

What Happened Next?

Have you ever wondered what happens to a company after it's been sold, or whether a company really did grow after raising growth funding? Here we interview some of our clients to find out what happened next after completing a major transaction.

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Clear results
What happened after Trunki secured BGF funding?

What happened next?


November 13, 2023

Industrials & Chemicals
Business financing
Industrials & Chemicals
What happened after Smartbox was sold to The Caretech Group?

What happened next?


November 29, 2022

Technology, Media & Communications
Technology, Media & Communications
Healthcare & Life Sciences
What happened after Vouchercloud's co-founder Greg Le Tocq sold the business to Groupon?

What happened next?


November 22, 2022

Technology, Media & Communications
Buying a business
Technology, Media & Communications
What Happened After the Co-Founder of Torchlight Exited His Business?

What happened next?


September 8, 2022

Technology, Media & Communications
Technology, Media & Communications
What Happened After The Owners of Pukka Herbs Sold Their Business to Unilever?

What happened next?


October 11, 2021

Food & Beverage
Buying a business
Food & Beverage
What happened after Keep IT Simple's owner Grant Harris turned to Shaw & Co to enable a digital deal?

What happened next?


April 8, 2021

Technology, Media & Communications
Selling a business
Technology, Media & Communications
What happened after the owners of EnSilica turned to Shaw & Co to access growth funding?

What happened next?


February 14, 2020

Technology, Media & Communications
Technology, Media & Communications